
Ella Ashford, Bury St Edmunds, Showjumping Young Rider

All my ponies and horses have always jumped to the right and we’ve never been able to sort it! I had treatment with Melissa on the Friday and on the Sunday we went off to a show and I was straight to every fence and have been ever since! My horse is a lot more […]

Keith Thomas, London, Retired

I was struggling with muscular pain in my upper arm and the only solution from my GP was painkillers. I had treatment with Melissa and the effect was quite amazing. Pain disappeared and the additional benefits were of general well being and assisting with stiffness in neck, shoulders and lower back. Maintenance treatment has been […]

Ali Jones, Lode, Retired age 63

I have been doing Pilates for a number of years in different classes and I find Rachel to be an excellent Pilates instructor. The small group size, a maximum of 4, means she has time to concentrate on individual needs.

John J, Cambridge, Golfer

I was so frustrated when I injured my shoulder and wasn’t able to play golf. Therese, my Physiotherapist, quickly identified the cause of the problem and how it affected my golf swing. She treated the problem areas and gave me progressive golf specific exercises. It helped me not only to have a pain-free swing but […]

Josie, Burwell, Suffers with Dizziness

I was amazed at the results when attending PhysiOptima for treatment for labyrinthitis (a term used by GP) or benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BBPV). The assessment process was detailed and enabled me to understand the diagnosis. The treatment was short and effective and the process explained at each stage. Following this, the process of recovery from […]

Derek, Cambridge, Rower

I am an active 76 year old and during the past decade I have been a patient at Physioptima three times following various injuries. On each occasion I have had a thorough assessment, a positive diagnosis and a programme of progressive therapy which in each case has resulted in relief from symptoms and return to […]

Viola, Thetford Norfolk, Mum-to-be

I first contacted PhysiOptima early in my second trimester of pregnancy, having been diagnosed with pelvic girdle pain. The pain was very uncomfortable, interrupting my sleep at night and stopping me from moving around properly. It was generally getting me down. I have been amazed by how much difference the physiotherapy has made. A few […]

Denise Fletcher, Bottisham

I have regular massages. Without fail I always leave Melissa feeling much much better than I arrive. Melissa is professional and kind, she intuitively knows what and where to massage. My body moves much more freely since attending for regular massages. Melissa is an excellent masseur and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her services.

Brent Swann-Auger, Cambridge, Keen Runner

A few months ago, I was having some real problems with my legs resulting in having to give up running which I love to do. Following a recommendation I went to see Kristin at PhysiOptima, and she assessed my injuries and recommended I get fitted for a pair of orthotic insoles and have a course […]

Rob Brines, Foxton, Rock climber

Tom was great helping me with my painful hand and wrist. His investigation was spot on an the advice and exercises he gave me have done wonders. I am really functioning without pain now, and am probably about 80% back to where I need to be. With continued exercise as per Tom’s advice I’m confident […]