When my daughter was frustrated that none of the physiotherapists she found here in Cambridge could put right a painful and debilitating shoulder, she discovered PhysiOptima in Newmarket and her recovery began. So when I needed help after a very gruesome accident, that is where I went, puzzled that she had found the extra journey time had paid off. We go to a physiotherapist because we want the pain to stop, we want to be fully mobile again and we want to understand how that can be achieved. And that is exactly what we get at PhysiOptima. The massage and manipulation hit the spot, as does the acupressure or acupuncture, and the exercises work. But equally what I value is the careful listening and investigation which leads to accurate diagnosis. It also leads to trust, and that trust is essential. It is worth the travel, the practitioners are intelligent and kind, the setting is calming and I am grateful.